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  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Join us for an insightful session delving into the implications of T+1 and the forthcoming T+0 settlement processes on equity compensation practices. As data corrections become impossible prior to settlement and payment of proceeds or taxes. Uncover valuable insights and best practices to navigate the evolving landscape.

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  • Contains 19 Component(s)

    Global Share Plan Basics

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      • Government Member - $895
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  • Contains 19 Component(s)

    Global Share Plan Basics

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      • Issuer Member - $895
      • Issuer Non-Member - $895
      • Provider/Advisor Member - $895
      • Provider/Advisor Non-Member - $895
      • Academic Member - $895
      • Academic Non-Member - $894.98
      • Government Member - $895
      • Government Non-Member - $895
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      • Non-member - $895
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  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The SEC's T+1 stock settlement compliance date is May 28th, requiring 24 hours to issue shares to employees after a vest or option exercise. Navigating data transfer between stock-based compensation equity programs and payroll was already challenging—with this tight turnaround, companies and brokers are at a heightened risk for errors, which could lead to tax-related fines and employee dissatisfaction. The solution? Implement strong reconciliation processes and controls between the HR, Payroll, and brokerage platforms.

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  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Join GEO for upcoming webcast, proudly sponsored by Insightsoftware featuring 2024 GEO Award finalists in the Best Use of Technology category, DOMO, Amazon, DHL, and Boston Scientific, as they unravel their remarkable journeys and share key insights.

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      • Academic Member - Free!
      • Academic Non-Member - $85
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  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    GEO’s Global Share Plan Basics Bootcamp provided a practical introduction to global share plans. This program, specifically designed for emerging practitioners, brought together experts from accounting, tax, legal, and administrative disciplines to partner with Issuer colleagues and present attendees with a globally-focused starter pack of core concepts and real-life case studies. Areas covered in this track include introductions to securities law and compliance, taxation, mobility, accounting and reporting, and executive compensation. Also integrated into the program is a pragmatic overview of global share plan communications, understanding employee perspectives, administrator challenges and dealing with risk areas such as data privacy and data security. The program series is wrapped up with a hands-on Microsoft Excel session covering some of the most frequently utilized functions by share plan professionals. Ideal candidates are in their first few years of developing a career in the equity compensation world or those interested a “big picture” basic overview of our industry. Each topic covered by our presenters focused on both the global perspective and the practical application of the concepts covered. Each session was presented by an industry expert in a specific field of discipline and, when appropriate, co-presented with a peer Issuer to provide case study perspective. This session: - Introduction to Global Share Plans Overall Program LineUp: - Introduction to Global Share Plans - Securities Laws & Compliance - Overview of Share Plan Taxation - Basic Accounting & Reporting - Introduction to Mobility - Introduction to Executive Compensation - Data Privacy - Excel Essentials for Global Share Plan Practitioners

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      • Issuer Member - $125
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      • Provider/Advisor Non-Member - $125
      • Academic Member - $125
      • Academic Non-Member - $125
      • Staff Member - $125
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  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Embark on the journey of designing and implementing a new share plan, a significant challenge and a golden opportunity to craft a plan tailored for today's dynamic business landscape. As we navigate the complexities brought about by remote and mobile workforces, intense talent competition, market volatility, and increased scrutiny by institutional shareholders, this session offers a roadmap to efficiently and effectively operate an equity plan.

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      • Issuer Non-Member - $85
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      • Provider/Advisor Non-Member - $85
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      • Academic Non-Member - $85
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  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    GEO AWARD WINNER - 2023 Best Plan Communications (over 75,000 employees) Join us for an engaging session where we delve into the success story of Anglo American plc, a global mining giant with a diverse workforce spanning 19 countries. With a focus on their MyShare global share plan, we will explore how they achieved an outstanding 36% take-up rate in the first year, surpassing their 10% goal. The session will also shed light on the challenges they faced, their innovative communication strategy, and the valuable lessons learned.

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      • Issuer Non-Member - $85
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      • Academic Non-Member - $85
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  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Join us for an enlightening webcast as we delve into the insights uncovered by the Global Equity Insights Survey. During this session, we will retrospectively examine the key findings from the 2023 survey, shedding light on global trends in equity compensation and gaining a comprehensive understanding of the evolving landscape and its implications for companies worldwide.

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      • Issuer Non-Member - $85
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      • Provider/Advisor Non-Member - $85
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      • Academic Non-Member - $85
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  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Start the new year with our expert panel exploring well-being. Join a lively session where personal stories, both positive and challenging, create a shared experience. The panel will highlight companies with successful wellness programs, offering practical examples for creating a thriving work environment.

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      • Issuer Member - Free!
      • Issuer Non-Member - $85
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      • Provider/Advisor Non-Member - $85
      • Academic Member - Free!
      • Academic Non-Member - $85
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