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GEO is dedicated to keeping you informed about the latest developments in equity compensation worldwide. Stay up-to-date with the fast-paced changes in the industry. In this session, we'll delve into new regulations, reporting obligations, and recent guidance issued in the industry during the past quarter.


  • Gain insights into the latest regulatory changes impacting equity compensation globally
  • Understand new reporting obligations and compliance requirements affecting your company's equity plans
  • Learn valuable industry guidance to navigate emerging challenges and opportunities in equity compensation

Hannah Needle, FGE, Tapestry Compliance (UK)

Tom Parker, Tapestry Compliance (UK)

Olivia Rodrigo, Tapestry Compliance (UK)

CEP Continuing Education (CE) credit: 60 minutes

CPE credits are provided for live webcasts only. Please visit our Continuing Education and Event Policies pages for more information.

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